
AustTags has an in-house barcode metal tagging or identification solution for a range of industries. We can assist with tracing, inspecting, and quality control requirements in difficult or harsh environments, on uneven surfaces and hard to access locations.


Barcode tagging of trees and plants.


Barcode metal tags to identify components through the galvanizing process.

Metal Fabrication

Barcoded tags or indented product identification from raw metal through to finished product.


Barcode metal tags to identify parts through shot blasting and painting processes.

Steel Mills

Barcode tagging systems for hot slabs, blooms and billets. Stamping codes into hot billets with Dot Peen Marking systems. Barcode metal tagging of steel coils, rods, and bars.

Steel Pipe

Jib markers for moving or stationary pipe identification.


Barcode metal tagging of timber poles. Print and Colour coding Timber Grades.


Barcode metal tags for grape bins.

Other applications

Most industries require product identification and desire in-house production of barcode metal tags or direct product stamping and coding offering an instant solution for identification and traceability.